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Candle Bush Leaves

We are engaged in offering the Candle Bush Leaves. This plant, a 6 - 25 feet tall, perpetual bush, has erect waxy yellow spikes that look like fat candles previously the individual blooms open. The expansive leaves are respective - symmetrical restricted and overlay together during the evening. The natural product is a case, while the seeds are little and square. The leaves contain chrysophanic corrosive. The leaves are accounted for to be sudorific, diuretic and laxative, being utilized in an indistinguishable way from senna. The leaves are ordinarily utilized for ringworm and other skin maladies. The leaves in decoction are likewise used to treat bronchitis and asthma. Due to its enemy of contagious properties, it is a typical fixing in cleansers, shampoos, and salves in the Philippines.

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